This is why I love SBB
For those that don't know the story, my dh lost his job when the company he worked for went bankrupt without warning almost a month ago. We have 4 children - 3 of whom are 3 and under and always lived week to week so him losing his job was a huge blow. As we live in a small country town, jobs are hard to come by and so we are trying to live on the unemployment benefit. Since we had relied on DH's Christmas Bonus to be able to pay for Christmas presents - which he didnt get obviously, Christmas was going to be a very depressing time in deed here. Anyway, enough of the pity party, the incredibly generous and supportive team here at SBB have sent me a very generous gift voucher to enable my kids to have a Christmas and will also mean we can get extra groceries when we need too instead of going short. This is why I love SBB. Thank you girls and Kim of course! |
Comments on "This is why I love SBB"
Merry Christmas! :)
That is so nice, how online friends will step up when they're needed. I hope things look up for you soon!
Wow, very heartwarming! Thanks for sharing. Nice to know that you have friends that will do that for you!
That is so great of them! Such a heartwarming story to hear. I hope your DH gets a new job soon!
Wow what generosity from friends that is a big blessing. I know how you feel. We moved from NYC to Tampa in May for a change of environment. My dh got a job that didn't turn out what he expected. Needless to say a huge pay cut from what he made in NY. We had relide on the generosity of our church members and my mom to get through the past few months. I have faith that God will provide and that the new year will bring a great job for my dh and it will be better. My prayers are with you and hang in there it will be better for you and your family.
That's wonderful, its good to have friends! Hope your dh manages to find something soon. Have a great Christmas