Get organised with the Digital Image Library
Kim and I often get asked about the library and I have to admit I think its is terrific for organising elements but sadly I no longer use it because with over 100GB of Elements I maxed out its memory lol. I've switched to ACDSEE but I still recommend that you use the DIP library because its easy to use and well integrated with DIP - unless you have over 100GB of elements. Kim and I often also get asked about how we cateogorise things - well Kim is lazy lol so she keeps hers to the bare minimum but here is my list - it might give you something to start from if you are looking for it. Its a TXT file you have to download because the list is too long to post, but Ive attached a series of screenshots below as well. DOWNLOAD LIST HERE and in case you hadnt seen it there is a tutorial at SBB on using the library - ist a bit old but still useful. |
Comments on "Get organised with the Digital Image Library"
THanks for the list! I use the new program that is out, but still am having trouble with categorizing. This list will be great help. Thanks!!