shelleyrae and kimlizzy are well known digital scrapbooking identities. shelleyrae has been digital scrapbooking for over 5 years having begun using PictureIt! 99 and porogressing through to Digital Image Suite 2006. Since 2003 she has been a DTM with and her extensive tutorial collection for DIP users can be found there. kimlizzy has been using Digital Image for digital scrapboking for four years and has an extensive collection of tutorials on her website. kimlizzy is also running the Computer scrapbooking Elements Yahoo list. We have created this blog to share hints, tips and creations with other DIP Diva's and to keep you up to date with the latest DIP info! |
Comments on "Hi and welcome!"
HURRAY, HURRAY, HURRAY!!!!! I was getting so jealous of all the PS actions, and templates. Thank you SOOO much for starting this site. I will pass your site info onto my friends who also use DIP.
Super! I'm thrilled you two decided to do this. It'll be great to have a place just for us DIP users. Looking forward to some great tips, etc.
I am thrilled 2 that you guys are doing this. Thank you for the templates and can't wait to share more with you, thank you so much, zalaine
Thank you so much for setting this up! I'll definately be a frequent visitor here! Yipppeee :)
As a DIP user, I know I'll look here often--yay!